Why you should care about marketing on Instagram and Facebook.

Facebook has an average DAILY active user count of 1.6 BILLION. Instagram comes in second at 500 million DAILY active users. You can’t go anywhere to have access to a larger targeted audience. And if you didn’t know, Facebook owns Instagram, so marketing with them together goes hand in hand.

Worth mentioning; Youtube. 73% of adults watch youtube. More than Facebook and almost double Instagram. Also, Google owns Youtube, so having active related content on Youtube also helps your website score better on Google searches. By the way, there are 8.5 Billion Google searches per day.

Are you using Instagram and Facebook to it’s full potential?

Chances are you are you think you’re doing pretty good. Your phone has the latest camera, so you snap a few pics, post every other day, and you might even have a young relative or employee that posts every so often. But do either of you know if anything you’re doing is generating new business for you? Do you know how to find out?

Most likely not. Let us tell you why it’s not your fault. These are the two biggest reasons you won’t be successful on your own.

TIME. You don’t have enough. To be successful and get any measurable results, you need to post DAILY. Not only that, you have to interact with active followers, likers and potential customers. Otherwise there is no reason for them to give you another thought. Not only is consistent activity on your platforms vital, but also the quality of the content you use.

CONTENT. What is content? It’s pretty much anything that can be created to post; photos, videos, infographics, memes. Social media has evolved from being able to post anything and everything while getting results. The algorithms of these apps are so sophisticated, that it can select specific people who see your content who would have a higher probability of actually liking your content. Which means you need high quality content, targeted specifically for the audience you intend to attract.

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